Thing 17 & Thing 18
17 - Google Sites
How to setup a new website.
Watch the video below...
Watch the video below...
How to let the world see your new website.
Watch the video below...
Watch the video below...
18 - Padlet & TodaysMeet
Padlet and TodaysMeet both have oportuntities to engage your students and enhance learning, as well as potential for use in your various collaborations with your colleagues.
Watch the videos below to get the basic overview of each one and start thinking of ways that you could use these collaborative sites.
Watch the videos below to get the basic overview of each one and start thinking of ways that you could use these collaborative sites.
Post to the forum - Create a wall. Comment on somebody else's wall.
1- Create a Padlet or TodaysMeet wall that focuses on a classroom, lesson, or professional topic and provide the link in the Forum.
2- Join a conversation that interests you from the links that your colleagues provided; Comment on somebody else's Padlet or TodaysMeet wall and expand the conversation.
There are more in-depth tutorials about Padlet and TodaysMeet on YouTube so check them out for more ideas.
1- Create a Padlet or TodaysMeet wall that focuses on a classroom, lesson, or professional topic and provide the link in the Forum.
2- Join a conversation that interests you from the links that your colleagues provided; Comment on somebody else's Padlet or TodaysMeet wall and expand the conversation.
There are more in-depth tutorials about Padlet and TodaysMeet on YouTube so check them out for more ideas.